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<CubeCamera /> creates a THREE.CubeCamera and uses it to render an environment map of your scene. The environment map is then applied to component's children.

<CubeCamera /> makes its children invisible while rendering to the internal buffer so that they are not included in the reflection.


<script setup lang="ts">
import { CubeCamera, OrbitControls } from '@tresjs/cientos'
import { TresCanvas } from '@tresjs/core'
import { onMounted, onUnmounted, shallowRef } from 'vue'

const x = shallowRef(1)
const y0 = shallowRef(1)
const y1 = shallowRef(1)
let intervalId: ReturnType<typeof setInterval>

let elapsed = 0
onMounted(() => {
  intervalId = setInterval(() => {
    elapsed += 1000 / 30
    x.value = Math.cos(elapsed * 0.001) * 3
    y0.value = (Math.sin(elapsed * 0.001) + 1) * 2
    y1.value = (Math.sin(elapsed * 0.001 + Math.PI) + 1) * 2
  }, 1000 / 30)

onUnmounted(() => { clearInterval(intervalId) })

  <TresCanvas clear-color="#222">
    <TresPerspectiveCamera :position="[0, 5, 20]" />
    <OrbitControls />

    <CubeCamera :position-y="5" :resolution="128">
      <TresMesh :position="[-2, y0, 0]" :scale="2">
        <TresSphereGeometry />
        <TresMeshPhysicalMaterial :roughness="0" :metalness="1" />
      <TresMesh :position="[2, y1, 0]" :scale="2">
        <TresSphereGeometry />
        <TresMeshPhysicalMaterial :roughness="0.25" :metalness="1" />

    <TresMesh :position="[x, 1, 0]">
      <TresSphereGeometry />
      <TresMeshBasicMaterial color="#fbb03b" />

    <TresGridHelper :args="[100, 10]" />


framesNumber of frames to render. Set to 1 for a static scene. Infinity to update continuously.Infinity
resolutionResolution of the FBO255
nearCamera near0.1
farCamera far1000
envMapCustom environment map that is temporarily set as the scene's background
fogCustom fog that is temporarily set as the scene's fog