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Injects percent closer soft shadows (pcss) into THREE's shader chunk. Mounting/unmounting this component or changing its props will cause all shaders to be recompiled.


<script setup lang="ts">
import { TresCanvas } from '@tresjs/core'
import { OrbitControls, SoftShadows } from '@tresjs/cientos'
import { Group, MeshPhongMaterial, SphereGeometry, Vector3 } from 'three'
import { onMounted, onUnmounted, shallowRef } from 'vue'

const sphereGeo = new SphereGeometry(0.3, 20, 20)
const sphereMat = new MeshPhongMaterial({ color: '#82dbc5' })
const spherePositions = Array.from({ length: 9 }).fill(null).map(() => new Vector3())
let ii = 0
for (const p of spherePositions) {
  p.x = ii * 0.5 - 2

const spheres = shallowRef(new Group())
let intervalId: ReturnType<typeof setInterval>
let elapsed = 0
onMounted(() => {
  intervalId = setInterval(() => {
    let ii = 0
    elapsed += 1000 / 30
    for (const sphere of spheres.value.children) {
      ii += 0.2
      sphere.position.y = Math.sin(ii + elapsed * 0.001) ** 2 * 3 + 0.5
  }, 1000 / 30)

onUnmounted(() => {

  <TresCanvas :shadows="true" :shadowMap-enabled="true">
    <TresFog :args="['#FFFFFF', 5, 100]" />

    <OrbitControls />
    <TresPerspectiveCamera :position="[0, 7, -5]" :fov="60" />

    <TresAmbientLight color="#AAAAAA" :intensity="2" />
      :position="[2, 8, 4]"

    <SoftShadows />

    <TresMesh :position="[0, 1.5, 1]" :scale-y="3" :cast-shadow="true" :receive-shadow="true" name="column">
      <TresBoxGeometry />
      <TresMeshPhongMaterial color="#4f4f4f" />

    <TresMesh :rotation-x="-Math.PI / 2" :receive-shadow="true" name="ground">
      <TresPlaneGeometry :args="[100, 100, 8, 8]" />
      <TresMeshPhongMaterial color="#fbb03b" />

    <TresGroup ref="spheres" name="spheres">
        v-for="p, i of spherePositions"


sizeSize of the light source (the larger the softer the light)25
samplesNumber of samples (more samples less noise but more expensive)10
focusDepth focus, use it to shift the focal point (where the shadow is the sharpest)0 (the beginning)