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Migration Guide from v3

This guide is intended to help you migrate from Cientos v3 to v4 🤩✨.

pnpm update @tresjs/cientos
npm update @tresjs/cientos
yarn upgrade @tresjs/cientos

What's new?

Updated defineExport properties

Since the beginning we exported our components' underlying Three.js instances using the name value. This created a very ambiguos situation with some components. When we access them using a ref in <template>, we ended up with something like:

import { shallowRef, watch } from 'vue'
import { TresCanvas } from '@tresjs/core'
import { Stars } from '@tresjs/cientos'

const starsRef = shallowRef()

watch(starsRef, () => {
  // to access the instance we have a nested `value.value`
  // Wrong in v4 ❌
    <Stars ref="starsRef" />

This created confusion and was not good DX. Unfortunately, to fix this, a breaking change needed to be introduced, and we felt this was the right moment.

The new implementation is very similar, but instead of two confusing values we have standardized all our components with instance, so to access the components now use:

// Correct in v4 ✅

Remove TweakPane from deps

After some iteration, we decided to drop the instance of useTweakPane. Some of the reasons are:

  • No compatibility with the v4 of TweakPane
  • Massive bundle size
  • Not so intuitive, lots of code repetition
  • Support for the upcoming pkg Leches

You can check this recipe on the tres docs on how to use tweakpane with tres: TweakPane

Move directives to core

The use of directives started as a experiment to see how valuable it would be for the ecosystem. Since it has had a good reception, we have decided that it is appropriate for the directives to live under the core pkg Directives section.

So now you have to import your directives from the core:

// Correct ✅
import { vLog } from '@tresjs/core'

Instead of:

// Wrong ❌
import { vLog } from '@tresjs/cientos'


Since the addition of the new useLoop method, vAlwaysLookAt and vRotate have been temporarily removed.

Changes in KeyboardControls

The implementation of KeyboardControls has been changed, since this component doesn't provide the right setup for what was originally developed. We took the decision to adopt floating controls similar to Unreal Engine 5, which make more sense given the name of this component.

We have also brought the PointerLockControls inside KeyboardControls, so you don't have to set it up manually.

Learn more about it here.