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<Lensflare /> wraps the three.js Lensflare.


<script setup lang="ts">
import { TresCanvas } from '@tresjs/core'
import { Lensflare } from '@tresjs/cientos'

      <Lensflare />


scalenumber – scale of the lensflare1.0
elementsPartial&lt;LensflareElementProps&gt;[] – array of lensflare element propertiesundefined
seednumber – random seed for generating random seeded elementsundefined
seedPropsSeedProps[] – specifications for generating random seeded elementsundefined
colorTresColor – default color of lensflare elementsundefined
distancenumber – default distance of lensflare elements from flare centerundefined
sizenumber – default size of lensflare elementsundefined
textureTexture string[] – default texture of lensflare elementsundefined


You can specify individual lensflare element properties directly using the component's elements prop.

The elements prop expects an instance of (Partial<LensflareElementProps>)[].

Every object in elements may have any (or none) of the following properties.

texturestring | Texture - an image URL or texture to use on the lensflare element
colorTresColor - color of the lensflare element
distancenumber - distance of the lensflare element from the lensflare center
sizenumber - size of the lensflare element


Adding a seed prop to a component enables seeded random element generation.

The seed prop is used as the "seed" in a pseudorandom number generator (PRNG). The PRNG is in turn used to build lensflare elements, by selecting values from an array of SeedProps.


If you set a seed but not seedProps, the component will fall back to the default, built-in SeedProps[].


<Lensflare :seed="seedRef" />

Below, the results of setting seedRef.value to 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, respectively.

Lensflare seeds 0-4


Adding a seedProps prop to the component enables seeded random element generation.

The seedProps prop expects an instance of SeedProps[]. It specifies rules and acceptable values for creating random lensflare elements.

Every element in seedProps has this shape.

texturestring[] - array of 1 or more image URLs; a single texture will be selected per generated elementyes
colorTresColor[] - array of 1 or more colors; a single color will be selected per generated elementyes
distance[number, number] - minimum and maximum allowable distance from the flare centeryes
size[number, number] - minimum and maximum allowable sizeyes
length[number, number] - minimum and maximum allowable number of elements to generateyes
seednumber - if set, when this entry is processed, the random number generator with a combination of the incoming seed and this seedno


If you set seedProps but not seed, the component will fall back to a default seed of 0.

Random elements and non-random properties

<Lensflare /> was designed to make it easy to get a lensflare on screen. You can simply add the component with no props and the component will generate seeded random lensflare elements.

<Lensflare />

Non-random properties

You can provide a list of lensflare element properties using the elements prop.

<Lensflare :elements="[{ color: 'red' }, { color: 'yellow' }]" />

This will produce a lensflare with 2 elements. The first element will be red. The second will be yellow. The unspecified properties – distance, size, texture – will be filled in by the built-in defaults in this case.

You can also provide default props which will overwrite random generated props.

<Lensflare color:"red" />

Since elements is not defined here, the component will generate random lensflare elements. The specified color prop – "red" – will overwrite the color property of the generated lensflare elements.

See precedence for details about how properties are filled in.

Random elements

You can let the component generate random elements ...

... by not adding an elements prop

<Lensflare />

... by adding a seed prop

<Lensflare :seed="7127" />

... by adding a seedProps prop

<Lensflare :seedProps="[{...}, {...}]" />

Mixing random elements and non-random properties

You can mix your own properties and random elements.

<Lensflare :elements="[{...}, {...}]" :seed="8193" />

Here, both elements and seed are defined. The component will generate random elements and overwrite their properties with the contents of elements, according to the order of precedence.


When mixing random elements with elements, the final number of lensflare elements equals whichever is larger, the length of the array of generated random elements or the length of elements.


If more than one source sets the same property on a given element, the following order of precendence is used. Higher in the list (lower number) equals higher precendence.

  1. elements
  2. color, distance, size, texture – default element properties
  3. seed, seedProps – generated random elements
  4. built-in default element properties


If elements, seed, and seedProps are all undefined, a seed of 0 and built-in default seedProps will be used to generate the lensflare elements.

Precedence example

Here's an example of precedence. Assume this is in our vue template.

    {size:512, texture=''},
    {color:'yellow', distance:0.5}

seed is defined, so the component will produce random elements.

Assume the random element generator produces this, based on seed:

    color: 'white',
    distance: 0,
    size: 1024,
    texture: '',
    color: 'white',
    distance: 1,
    size: 512,
    texture: '',
    color: 'white',
    distance: 2,
    size: 512,
    texture: '',

When random elements are mixed with elements, the final number of elements in the lensflare is determined by whichever is longer.

Here, elements contains 2 entries. The random element generator produced 3. So the resulting lensflare will have 3 elements.

Therefore, resulting lensflare will have 3 elements.

The resulting 3 lensflare elements will have the following properties, from the following sources:

    color: 'yellow', // from `elements`
    distance: 0, // from random element generator
    size: 512, // from `elements`
    texture: '', // from `elements`
    color: 'red', // from component prop `color`
    distance: 0.5, // from `elements`
    size: 256, // from component prop `size`
    texture: '', // from component prop `texture`
    color: 'red', // from component prop `color`
    distance: 2, // from random element generator
    size: 256, // from component prop `size`
    texture: '', // from component prop `texture`