<ContactShadows />
is a "fake", non-lighting-based shadow component. It displays shadows on a single plane. The component is based on the THREE.js contact shadows example by @mrdoob.
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ContactShadows, Levioso, TorusKnot } from '@tresjs/cientos'
import { TresCanvas } from '@tresjs/core'
<TresCanvas clear-color="white">
<Levioso :speed="2" :range="[0, 0.7]" :rotation-factor="9">
<TorusKnot :scale="0.45">
<TresMeshNormalMaterial />
<ContactShadows :position-y="-1" color="#335" :scale="20" />
Prop | Description | Default |
opacity | The opacity of the shadows. | 1 |
blur | The blur of the shadows. | 1 |
color | The color of the shadows. | '#000000' |
tint | If provided, the color of the "core" of the shadows. "Added" to color . | undefined |
scale | The scale of the shadows/shadow plane. Can be a number or an array of two numbers [x, y] . | 10 |
width | The width of the shadow plane. | 1 |
height | The height of the shadow plane. | 1 |
far | The distance of the orthographic shadow camera extends above the shadow plane. | 10 |
smooth | Whether the shadows should be smoothed to reduce artifacts. | true |
resolution | The resolution of the shadow textures. | 512 |
frames | For performance, optionally stop updating shadows after frames frames. | Math.POSITIVE_INFINITY |
depthWrite | Whether the shadows should write to the depth buffer or not. | false |