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<Image /> is a shader-based component that optionally loads then displays an image texture on a default plane or on your custom geometry.


<script setup lang="ts">
import { NoToneMapping, SRGBColorSpace } from 'three'
import { TresCanvas } from '@tresjs/core'
import { Image, OrbitControls } from '@tresjs/cientos'

const gl = {
  clearColor: '#82DBC5',
  outputColorSpace: SRGBColorSpace,
  toneMapping: NoToneMapping,

const URL_STUB = ''

const URLS = [
].map(url => URL_STUB + url)

    <TresPerspectiveCamera :position="[0, 0, 2]" />
    <OrbitControls />
    <Image :url="URLS[0]" :radius="0.2" :transparent="true" :position="[-1.5, 0, -1]" />
    <Image :url="URLS[1]" :radius="0.2" :transparent="true" />
    <Image :url="URLS[2]" :radius="0.2" :transparent="true" :position="[1.5, 0, -1]" />



<Image /> is a THREE.Mesh and most Mesh attributes can be used as props on the component.

segmentsNumber of divisions in the default geometry.1
scaleScale of the geometry. number | [number, number]1
colorColor multiplied into the image texture.'white'
zoomShrinks or enlarges the image texture.1
radiusBorder radius applied to the image texture. (Intended for rectangular geometries. Use with transparent.)0
grayscalePower of grayscale effect. 0 is off. 1 is full grayscale.0
toneMappedWhether this material is tone mapped according to the renderers toneMapping settings. See THREE.material.tonemapped0
transparentWhether the image material should be transparent. See THREE.material.transparentfalse
transparentWhether the image material should be transparent. See THREE.material.transparentfalse
opacityOpacity of the image material. See THREE.material.transparent1
sideTHREE.Side of the image material. See THREE.material.sideFrontSide
textureImage texture to display on the geometry.
urlImage URL to load and display on the geometry.